Booking an Appointment
Appointments can be booked by telephoning the surgery on: 0141 889 3732.
We are unable to provide appointments on a “walk in” basis.
You will be asked to give your name/date of birth (& contact no if a telephone appointment) & a brief description of what is wrong. This is to enable us to direct you to the right clinician and to assess the urgency of your appointment.
We offer a variety of appointments.
Pre-bookable Appointments
We have some pre-bookable telephone and face to face available to book for up to 4 weeks for our nurses and phlebotomists and 2 weeks for our GPs .
On the day Appointments
We have on the day telephone and face to face appointments available for our GPs and ANP. Please call the practice as early as possible after 8:30am
Once all the appointments have been filled for the day, you can choose to have a pre-bookable appointment if available or call back the following day or day you are wanting the appointment. If you need to speak/see the Dr in an emergency, please inform a member of staff.
Face to face appointments
You will be given a time for the appointment and you should arrive on time to the surgery for your appointment.
Telephone appointments
You will be given an am or pm slot and the clinician will call you back in the morning or afternoon.
Extended hours
Early morning appointments are available on Mondays between 7:25am – 8:30am with the primary aim of helping patients who find it difficult to get to the surgery during normal hours. This service is for routine medical conditions and is not an emergency service. The service is limited where doctors will be restricted in their physical examination of patients, and scope to arrange investigation.
Cancelling your appointment
If you cannot keep your appointment, please inform the surgery as soon as possible. If you are more than 10 minutes late for an appointment the doctor will be unable to see you unless it is an emergency. The surgery is open from 8am – 6pm for telephone calls.
Please note that the practice is closed between 1 and 2pm, and the telephone lines are closed between 12 and 1pm.
Please help the receptionists by telling them whether or not your problem is urgent. The practice has a policy of seeing emergencies on the same day. If you need to see the doctor that day please contact the surgery as soon as possible. We have emergency appointments available every day and it helps us if you can contact us early so we can plan our day.
House Calls
If you are housebound or too ill to visit the surgery a doctor may visit you at home. The doctors usually visit after 11am, so if you can call before 11am it helps the doctors plan their routes. The duty doctor will see urgent calls as soon as possible. Please help the receptionists by telling them whether or not your problem is urgent. A doctor or nurse may phone you back as it may be that your problem can be dealt with by telephone advice, or that it would be more appropriate to send a nurse, or indeed arrange a hospital attendance.